Spiritual Direction In Challenging Times – Connecting Mind, Body and Spirit

May 29th, 2009

In our current times we are faced by many challenges that threaten to knock us off balance.

Spiritual Direction can offer a space to reflect on what these challenges mean to us. It can provide a time to recognize what has been lost, what must be grieved and what must be released.

Through spiritual direction we can discover how we find hope – that voice of Spirit, God, the Divine – resonating through our inner wisdom helping guide us into a sense of deep endurance through hardship. Reconnecting with that inner faith reminds us that we will be okay, that we will again find opportunities to thrive.

When life changing events happen, they can either be unexpected or perhaps we have a low level awareness of what’s to come. The stress we feel from watching the news, listening to friends, family and coworkers who are being affected can cause our bodies to shift into “fight or flight” mode. When we are directly affected we go into “shock”. Physically, our adrenal glands are on overdrive, trying to maintain a stream of constant energy that our bodies cannot sustain for long periods of time.

At some point, we “crash”, feeling the exhaustion of pushing ourselves beyond our current capabilities. This is when the grief over what we have lost begins. There can be confusion and often depression that sets in, spinning our world on its head.

Often our minds are looking for answers, justifications, ideas of where to go or what to do next. Our bodies are yearning to relax, to feel whole, strong yet flexible. Our spirits are yearning for awareness, to feel connected and not alone. We find ourselves scrambling for something to fill the gap.

Here we have the opportunity to look within and listen to the ways that we are being with the current situation. There is an opportunity here for Spiritual growth when we take the time to notice what is yearning to be attended to.

In a Spiritual Direction session we listen in order to notice where you are being “nudged” internally. We can look at what are the most appropriate and tantalizing places and practices to cultivate both inner and outer connection and consider how to best integrate them in your daily life.

We are all engaging daily on our Spiritual paths intertwined with our professional and personal journeys. By allowing ourselves the space to deeply acknowledge this interconnection and by making mindful choices along the way, we allow the bright light of hope to guide us through difficult experiences. We witness a deep knowing that this too shall pass and we will arrive on the other side with a renewed sense of clarity, health and peace.

Gina C James completed a two year Contemplative Listening program in Spiritual Direction in 2006 through Namaste. She is a member if Spiritual Director International. She currently offers Spiritual Direction Sessions through Numinosity where she can be reached for more information.